The Benefits Of Blogging

There’s a reason why having a blog is now a necessary component for a website. Actually, there are several reasons. Having a blog hosted on your practice’s site can generate a large amount of new patients over time. How does this work? Let's take a look!
With the help of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Google Analytics, the content on your blog will generate more information for these tools to pull from. Meaning, the more unique content on your website, the higher chances there will be of your practice appearing on the Google search results. The more you appear on Google through organic searches, the likelihood of people clicking on your site and making an appointment with your practice will increase.
Having a blog on your website also helps establish your brand voice, otherwise known as your brand’s personality. Your brand voice should be a representation of how you’d like patients to describe your practice. Would you like to be described as fun/serious, or casual/professional? These are important questions to ask yourself before you create blog content. A consistent brand voice is important, as it’s what patients remember when they think of your practice.
Credibility can also be established through your blog posts. If your practice is keeping up with the latest and greatest trends in your market, people will trust your knowledge and ability to treat them. If a new product or service is being used at your practice, a blog announcing this may show people that you care about staying up to date on technology. If someone in your office is continuing their education, you can showcase this to prospective patients and it may sway them to pick you over competitors in your area.
Blogging also provides great content that can be used across your social networks. Posting blogs on your social media accounts will start conversations, and lead people back to your website. Having social media conversations is a great way to show that your business is listening to patients, and that you’re willing to communicate with them. Establishing this customer-centric relationship will build trust and keep people coming back.
If you’re looking to create custom blogs for your practice, Sesame Social is happy to help with the use of our custom blog questionnaires, which can be found on SesameShare. So the next time you launch a new product or service, someone in your office is continuing their education, or you have a upcoming event, contest, or promotion, take a few minutes to fill out a questionnaire and our staff will write a unique blog just for your practice. Don’t forget the importance of blogging and the benefits that come from this content!